Get Started
This project is writen in Java. Maven is used for build automation. Source control management is by svn. Development information:
- Main code is written on Java target v1.6.0
- Source could be found: SVN repository
- Developed on Eclipse IDE v3.5:download
- Build tool is used Maven v2.2.1: download
Build from sources
To prepare development enviroment, you need java sdk, maven and svn client. More details on this check FAQ
Linux user
Install packages in Ubutnu:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk maven2 subversion
Create Spantus source dir and change working dir to newly created. Check out and build sources:
mvn -DcheckoutDirectory=spnt-code -DworkingDirectory=spnt-code -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn: -Dgoals=install scm:bootstrap
This will create $working_directory\spnt-code dir and checkout all the sources. Run main Spantus UI Tool application:
cd ./spnt-code mvn install -Drun-tool
MS Windows user
When development infrastructure already installed, it is possible get project sources. First of all create home dir for spantus sources. Recommended path %SPANTUS_HOME%:
Path without spaces is strongly recommended. To get sources from internet use TortoiseSVN client.
- Run My Computer
- Go to %SPANTUS_HOME% (in this case 'C:\spantus\code')
- Click right mouse button and from context menu select SVN Checkout.... Checkout dialog appears.
- In Checkout dialog enter:
- In the dialog check that field Checkout directory: pointing to created home dir. and click OK
you have source code. Now you can build them. exexute build.bat. You should see black window with scrolling text. When build finish, black window can be closed. After build you can run main progam Spantus UI Tool by clicking on
You should see spantus program
Hardware integeration
Arduino was integration was tested on Linux (Ubuntu). Communication was build on USB cable. Ubuntu creates file for arduino: /dev/ttyUSB0. Send command:
# turn on LED echo "1">/dev/ttyUSB0 # turn off LED echo "0">/dev/ttyUSB0
Arduino Code:
Integravimas per USB:const int ledPin = 13; // the pin that the LED is attached to int incomingByte; // a variable to read incoming serial data into void setup() { // initialize serial communication: Serial.begin(9600); // initialize the LED pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // see if there's incoming serial data: if (Serial.available() > 0) { // read the oldest byte in the serial buffer: incomingByte =; // if it's a capital 1 (one), turn on the LED: if (incomingByte == '1') { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); } // if it's an 0 (zero) turn off the LED: if (incomingByte == '0') { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } } }
Software integeration
Skype Integration
Skype Integration. based on dbus. tested on ubuntu Ubuntu 9.04 - the Jaunty Jackalope Check integration project: spnt-skype